Monday, October 29, 2012

Matthew is here!

Just a quick post while Matthew is in the nursery with the pediatrician and I'm waiting for my own doctor to discharge me (which she is not super thrilled tiabout but sighed and went with.)

Matthew was born at 7:50 am on Friday, Oct. 26th, weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz, 19 inches long. He is long and tiny and perfect. Newborn diapers are still falling off him. (Also have gotten so many comments especially his first day, "Oh I love how round c-section babies' heads are!") C-section went perfectly, right as scheduled, no vaccums or extra drama, although evidently I am cursed with epidurals forever.

He is already really good at nursing and pretty opinionated on what he likes and doesn't like. (Doesn't like- being put down in his bed, diaper changes, not being able to move his arms.) He has a little jaundice but below the levels where they get concerned and it's leveling down. I initially didn't think he looked a lot like Luke but upon further review after looking at some of their pictures right after birth (especially with the same hats and everything), they are practically identical.

Luke has been up to the hospital every day. He's been doing well being shuffled back and forth between my parents and Joe, for the most part. He wants nothing to do with the baby at all (including sitting on one of us while the baby is being held), but he doesn't seem "against" him either, just "eh...where is my car?"

Matthew Joseph 10-26-12

My boys

One thing I forgot about is that I have a 30 lb toddler and my husband is only off work for another week. Pretty sure I'm not going to be able to (er...or supposed to...I sorta lifted him yesterday already and it was fine) lift him for a couple weeks. That could make things difficult. Note to self: pregnancy with a toddler, not my greatest plan ever, (DO NOT ATTEMPT AGAIN) but oh so worth it, and we'll muddle our way through the next part.


Brooke said...

Oh so worth it for sure. Welcome to the world, little Matthew!

Lj82 said...

Congratulations! So thrilled for Matthew's safe arrival!
Ps. Got lots of those, "what a round head" comments for Grace. ha.

Kim said...

Welcome Matthew! So glad you're here safe and sound:)

Tiffany said...

congrats! welcome to the world little boy! happy everything went well.

*Laura Angel said...

Congrats! looking forward to hearing all about having a toddler and a newborn!! :)

Kacie said...

Congratulations! Glad it went well. What a cutie!

SG said...

Came back to check in and see I didn't comment before - whoops! What a little sweetie!! Welcome little one, congrats to your whole family, and take good care of yourself <3

MrsH said...

Congratulations! what a great family you have! I am very jealous and very happy for you.

Mama Bear said...

Yay. Congratulations!

Toddy Boy said...

Congrats! sweat little 2 cute baby.

Cloud B Boy said...

YOY!! You have two sweat baby.

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